Pilot plant facilitiy

What is a pilot plant facility?

A pilot plant is used to investigate pitfalls before you are building your production facility, hence the pilot plant is a small-scale replicate of the whole production line or critical parts of it. For this reason, the degree of automation is often low compared to a production facility and the pilot plant must be run by skilled people. The amount of material required for pilot plant tests is highly plant specific but is normally less than 1 ton, if the pilot plant is constructed right. In case of a new product or a change of the production facility it is very often recommendable to do a pilot plant test to ensure that the full-scale plant is going to work as intended. Especially when upscaling a new product a pilot plant test is unavoidable. However, in order to do the right pilot plant investigations, you must first link the data obtained in your experimental facility to the full-scale production, so that you know what kind of pilot plant facilities to engage in your investigations. If you are dealing with an already existing production facility that you like to change/optimize the use of a slipstream pilot plant is often a very efficient solution. The use and design of a pilot plant might sound like a price-raising step on the way to the production facility, however, numerous times it has turnout to be an extremely expensive experience to leave out the pilot plant investigations before the erection of a production facility and if the pilot plant trials are carefully planned the costs can be kept low.

How are we supporting you

Independent of your challenge we can help you on with developing your pilot plant facility and gaining worthful knowledge from it. Below we have summarised some of the areas where we are able to support you.

  • Layout and erection of your pilot plant facility
  • Design and evaluation of your pilot plant results
  • Support in renting and operating pilot plant facilities
  • Commissioning of your pilot plant
  • Finding and testing by a third party, if required

Please contact us for a discussion of your matter!